Autumn in Central park

Beatrix Brandfield-Harvey

As summer quickly comes to a close 
Autumn boldly enters the scene    
The brisk dawns and vibrant colors  
Make Central Park utterly serene   

I go to the Park to escape the chaos  
That lives outside my door and in my head  
Comforted by the changing of the leaves  
Once green now yellow, orange, and red 

Stepping into the crisp, colder air 
Felt uncomfortable at the start  
But soon my lungs happily breathe in this newness 
Healing both for my mind and heavy heart 

I found beauty in the chirping of the birds  
I walked through the cozy, autumn wood 
Nature was morphing into something beautiful  
Showing me that change can be good 

When uncertainty swept through the world 
A collective anxiety about the unknown, 
I stayed close to the community of Park goers 
Whose presence made me feel less alone  

As the trees watch their leaves fall to the ground 
And make peace with them drifting away  
I am empowered to let go of my fear  
Replaced with hope that all will be okay  

Nature embraces change every year 
It persists through the cold and the rain  
It has taught me that in order to grow  
One must face life’s hardships and pain  

Robert Frost knew what I did not  
That nothing gold can stay 
But if transformations did not occur 
There would be no cherry blossoms come May