
Sara Kandler

A trip up to the Cape 
in early July 
says Mom 
August is the time 
my dear 
to gaggle on Ballston 
haggle at the flea market 
pant up the cliff at Longnook  

But this trip feels different 
because it is  

forty years hence 
no low picket fence 
dissecting the dune 
buoys slung over the back rail 
outdoor shower 
bodies wet and naked 
stark tan lines  

We’re bringing you back 
as promised 
that’s why 
I whisper 
an inn 
a pilgrimmage 
clandestine mission 
your wishes  

Pack tee shirts 
a talisman 
nestle you together  
mounds of gray powder 
heavy as clay 
of clay  

We hike far enough 
find the spot 
immerse ourselves 
release you 
Dad sifts into the dashing waves 
reflecting the setting sun 
Mom swirls in the wind 
paintbrushes poised 

spirits free  

and what of us 
of me