Agora Magazine
NYU Grossman School of Medicine Arts and Literary Publication
Agora Magazine is a public place for articulating literary, audible, and visual arts to consider the humanistic elements of medicine and healthcare; to develop empathy for people with different experiences and perspectives; to reflect on experiences caring for others; and to evolve our personal and professional identities as they intersect with our time, place, and community.
Alyssa Pullano Reach
Our Spring 2025 submission portal is now open! Please read our full theme statement and see FAQs page for more information.
In the mid-20th century, psychologists Joan and Erik Erickson proposed a theory of psychosocial development that outlined eight distinct stages of life, each stage having a central conflict, the resolution of which would set the stage for the next phase of life. However, experience proves that our lives often cannot be subdivided into neat stages, and that each season grants us the opportunity to reflect on our legacy as it is and as we want it to be. In the next issue of Agora, we hope to explore the legacies that we carry as we move through life. What meaning do you find in the legacies of the people who came before you? What experiences have shaped your dreams into something uniquely your own, and how has that changed over the course of your life? What do you hope survives of you, beyond you?